it's been 2 days that I'm stuck inside almost for the entire day, no work... but it's not my fault at all... : I caught a bad larynghite this week end and since my work is actually to talk for 8 hours a day. I've stayed at home since last saturday but I hope to be ok for tomorow !
But, as I said be careful for what you wish for... last week I said that it would be nice to stay at home to knit... LOL ... it happens !!! BUT I need to say that it was not suposed to be this way. And about the snow... whe had something like 60 cm in the last days !!! and whe are not yet in winter.
And since I did not post since over a week, I present my new best friend I gave myself a big treat : a Ipod Classic 80 gig from Apple. I used to have a 4 gig so now I can upload all my music, movies, games, etc. I'm so happy with the new fonctions Apple gave to us, music lovers... and since my boyfriend and I are going to a big trip in the end of the month (I'll talk about it in another post) I will have something to do in the plane since I cannot knit !
And what about knitting now : progress on Drop Blouse
I've finished the "center part" (youpi!) and I sewed the armsholes and I am now ready to pick up stitch for the bottom part.
Ok I swear *cross finger* I will not do it again...
Ok ok it's probaly not true but I feel better. Let's talk about my new baby : Falling leaves from Knitty.com They are for... a Chritmas gift so I can't to whom they are because there is a small chance that the person read these lines so... just watch this picture.
Falling leaves first toes :)
So, that's it for the moment, off to pick up these stich or maybee kicking myself to finish Monkey #2... wish me luck (or a good kick on my butt -lol-).
Happy winter !!
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